Installation using Docker

Install Docker

Make sure docker has been installed. You can refer to the official tutorial.

Install NVIDIA Container Toolkit if using GPU. You can refer to nvidia-docker

Docker image

You can build image locally or using pre-build images, pre-built Docker images are available on DockerHub.

Pull Docker Image

You can directly pull the pre-build docker images for athena. We have created the following docker images:


Download the image as below:

docker pull garygao99/athena:tf-2.1.0-gpu-py3

Build images

You can build image locally as below:

docker build -t garygao99/athena:tf-2.1.0-gpu-py3 .

Create Container

After the image downloaded, create a container.

docker run -it --gpus all garygao99/athena:tf-2.1.0-gpu-py3 /bin/bash