Speech Features - User Manual


Transform is a preprocess data toolkit.


Transform supports speech feature extract.

1. Import module

from athena.transform import AudioFeaturizer

2. Init a feature extract object and extract features


By using ReadWav, we can get audio data and sample rate from a wavfile.

config = {'type': 'ReadWav'}
audio_data, sample_rate = AudioFeaturizer(config)

The audio data range from [-32768, 32767].

The shape of the output: [T, 1, 1].


Using Spectrum , we can get a complex matrix with dimensions (num_frequency, num_frame), which means that the signal is composed of num_frequency sine waves with different phases and magnitudes. For each T-F bin, the absolute value of the FFT is the magnitude, and the phase is the initial phase of the sine wave. The corresponding spectrum is called the amplitude spectrum and the phase spectrum, as shown in the figure below.

config = {'type': 'Spectrum',
          'output_type': 2,
          'window_length': 0.025, 
          'frame_length': 0.010, 
          'preEph_coeff': 0.97,
          'window_type': 'hamming'}
spectrum_data = AudioFeaturizer(config)

You can get power spectrum ('output_type': 1), log-power spectrum ('output_type': 2) or 
magnitude spectrum ('output_type': 3).

The shape of the output: [T, dim, 1]


Using Fbank , we can get a float matrix with dimensions (num_frame, num_fbank, num_channel), which means the energy in the Mel frequency band to log. The Mel-frequency bands aim to mimic the non-linear human ear perception of sound, by being more discriminative at lower frequencies and less discriminative at higher frequencies. Each filter in the filter bank is triangular having a response of 1 at the center frequency and decrease linearly towards 0 till it reaches the center frequencies of the two adjacent filters where the response is 0. After applying the filter bank to the power spectrum (periodogram) of the signal, we obtain the fbank feature.

config = {'type': 'Fbank',
          'delta_delta': False,
          'lower_frequency_limit': 100,
          'upper_frequency_limit': 0,
          'filterbank_channel_count': 80}
fbank_data = AudioFeaturizer(config)

You can get delta fbank by setting 'delta_delta' to 'Ture'. The channel of fbank is equal to
'order' + 1 ('delta_delta': True) or 1 ('delta_delta': False).

The shape of the output: [T, dim, num_channel].


Using Pitch , we can get a float matrix with dimensions (num_frame, 2), which is consisting of (NCCF, pitch in Hz) of each frame. NCCF is the Normalized Cross Correlation Function, which is related to the probability of voicing and which helps in ASR. Pitch is the fundamental frequency (F0) of voice, which can get large performance improvements on tonal languages for ASR.

config = {'type': 'Pitch',
          'window_length': 0.025, 
          'soft_min_f0': 10.0,
          'lowpass-cutoff': 1000,
          'max-f0': 400}
pitch_data = AudioFeaturizer(config)

You can get more information about pitch by "Ghahremani P, BabaAli B, Povey D, et al. A pitch extraction algorithm tuned 
for automatic speech recognition[C]//2014 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP).
 IEEE, 2014: 2494-2498."

The shape of the output: [T, 2].


Using Mfcc , we can get a float matrix with dimensions (num_frame, num_coefficient). Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) is a cepstrum extracted in the frequency domain of the Mel scale. It is a feature widely used in automatic speech and speaker recognition. It turns out that filter bank coefficients computed in the fbank are highly correlated, which could be problematic in some machine learning algorithms. Therefore, we can apply Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to decorrelate the filter bank coefficients and yield a compressed representation of the filter banks.

config = {'type': 'Mfcc',
          'coefficient_count': 13, 
          'cepstral_lifter': 22, 
          'use_energy': True }
mfcc_data = AudioFeaturizer(config)

Typically, for ASR, the resulting cepstral coefficients 2-13 are 
retained and the rest are discarded.

The shape of the output: [T, dim].


Using MelSpectrum , we can get a float matrix with dimensions (num_frame, num_filterbank). Melspectrum is applying triangular filters on a Mel-scale to the magnitude spectrum to extract frequency bands, which based on MelSpectrum of Librosa. However, Fbank is mainly based on Kaldi. MelSpectrum is a feature widely used in TTS.

config = {'type': 'MelSpectrum',
          'output_type': 1,
          'lower_frequency_limit': 60,
          'filterbank_channel_count': 40}
mel_spectrum_data = AudioFeaturizer(config)

The mel_spectrum features can be inversely transformed to waveform by vocoder.

The shape of the output: [T, dim].


Using CMVN, we can do Cepstral Mean and Variance Normalization on features.

config = {'type': 'CMVN',
          'global_mean': 0.0,
          'global_variance': 1.0}
cmvn_features = AudioFeaturizer(config)

3. Get feature dim and the number of channels

dim = feature_ext.dim
# dim : A int scalar, it is feature dim.
num_channels = feature_ext.num_channels
# num_channels: A int scalar, it is the number of channels of the output feature
# the shape of the output features: [None, dim, num_channels]

4. Example

4.1 Extract speech feature filterbank from audio file:

import tensorflow as tf
from transform.audio_featurizer import AudioFeaturizer

audio_file = 'englist.wav'
config = {'type': 'Fbank',
          'sample_rate': 8000,
          'delta_delta': True}
feature_ext = AudioFeaturizer(config)
dim = feature_ext.dim
print('Dim size is ', dim)
num_channels = feature_ext.num_channels
print('num_channels is ', num_channels)

feat = feature_ext(audio_file)
with tf.Session() as sess:
  fbank = sess.run(feat)
  print('Fbank shape is ', fbank.shape)


Dim is  40
Fbank shape is  (346, 40, 3) # [T, D, C]

4.2 CMVN usage:

import tensorflow as tf
from transform.audio_featurizer import AudioFeaturizer

dim = 23
config = {'type': 'CMVN',
          'global_mean': np.zeros(dim).tolist(),
          'global_variance': np.ones(dim).tolist(),
          'local_cmvn': True}
cmvn = AudioFeaturizer(config)
audio_feature = tf.compat.v1.random_uniform(shape=[10, dim], dtype=tf.float32, maxval=1.0)
print('cmvn : ', cmvn(audio_feature))