WER are we?

WER are we? An attempt at tracking states-of-the-art results and their corresponding codes on speech recognition. Feel free to correct! (Inspired by wer_are_we)


(Possibly trained on more data than HKUST.)

CER Test Paper Published Notes Codes
21.2% Improving Transformer-based Speech Recognition Using Unsupervised Pre-training October 2019 Transformer-CTC MTL + RNN-LM + speed perturbation + MPC Pre-training on 10,000 hours unlabeled speech athena-team/Athena
22.75% Improving Transformer-based Speech Recognition Using Unsupervised Pre-training October 2019 Transformer-CTC MTL + RNN-LM + speed perturbation + MPC Self data Pre-training athena-team/Athena
23.09% CIF: Continuous Integrate-and-Fire for End-to-End Speech Recognition February 2020 CIF + SAN-based models (AM + LM) + speed perturbation + SpecAugment None
23.5% A Comparative Study on Transformer vs RNN in Speech Applications September 2019 Transformer-CTC MTL + RNN-LM + speed perturbation espnet/espnet
23.67% Purely sequence-trained neural networks for ASR based on lattice-free MMI 2016 TDNN/HMM, lattice-free MMI + speed perturbation kaldi-asr/kaldi
24.12% Self-Attention Aligner: A Latency-Control End-to-End Model for ASR Using Self-Attention Network and Chunk-Hopping February 2019 SAA Model + SAN-LM (joint training) + speed perturbation None
27.67% Extending Recurrent Neural Aligner for Streaming End-to-End Speech Recognition in Mandarin Feberary 2019 Extended-RNA + RNN-LM (joint training) None
28.0% Advances in Joint CTC-Attention based End-to-End Speech Recognition with a Deep CNN Encoder and RNN-LM June 2017 CTC-Attention MTL + joint decoding ( one-pass) + VGG Net + RNN-LM (seperate) + speed perturbation espnet/espnet
29.9% Joint CTC/attention decoding for end-to-end speech recognition 2017 CTC-Attention MTL-large + joint decoding (one pass) + speed perturbation espnet/espnet


CER Dev CER Test Paper Published Notes Codes
None 6.6% Improving Transformer-based Speech Recognition Using Unsupervised Pre-training October 2019 Transformer-CTC MTL + RNN-LM + speed perturbation + MPC Self data Pre-training athena-team/Athena
None 6.34% CAT: CRF-Based ASR Toolkit November 2019 VGG + BLSTM + CTC-CRF + 3-gram LM + speed perturbation thu-spmi/CAT
6.0% 6.7% A Comparative Study on Transformer vs RNN in Speech Applications September 2019 Transformer-CTC MTL + RNN-LM + speed perturbation espnet/espnet
None 7.43% Purely sequence-trained neural networks for ASR based on lattice-free MMI 2016 TDNN/HMM, lattice-free MMI + speed perturbation kaldi-asr/kaldi


(Possibly trained on more data than LibriSpeech.)

WER test-clean WER test-other Paper Published Notes Codes
5.83% 12.69% Humans Deep Speech 2: End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin December 2015 Humans None
2.0% 4.1% End-to-end ASR: from Supervised to Semi-Supervised Learning with Modern Architectures November 2019 Conv+Transformer AM (10k word pieces) with ConvLM decoding and Transformer rescoring + 60k hours unlabeled facebookresearch/wav2letter
2.3% 4.9% Transformer-based Acoustic Modeling for Hybrid Speech Recognition October 2019 Transformer AM (chenones) + 4-gram LM + Neural LM rescore (data augmentation:Speed perturbation and SpecAugment) None
2.3% 5.0% RWTH ASR Systems for LibriSpeech: Hybrid vs Attention September 2019, Interspeech HMM-DNN + lattice-based sMBR + LSTM LM + Transformer LM rescoring (no data augmentation) rwth-i6/returnn
2.3% 5.2% End-to-end ASR: from Supervised to Semi-Supervised Learning with Modern Architectures November 2019 Conv+Transformer AM (10k word pieces) with ConvLM decoding and Transformer rescoring facebookresearch/wav2letter
2.2% 5.8% State-of-the-Art Speech Recognition Using Multi-Stream Self-Attention With Dilated 1D Convolutions October 2019 Multi-stream self-attention in hybrid ASR + 4-gram LM + Neural LM rescore (no data augmentation) s-omranpour/

(not official)
2.5% 5.8% SpecAugment: A Simple Data Augmentation Method for Automatic Speech Recognition April 2019 Listen Attend Spell DemisEom/SpecAugment
(not official)
3.2% 7.6% From Senones to Chenones: Tied Context-Dependent Graphemes for Hybrid Speech Recognition October 2019 LC-BLSTM AM (chenones) + 4-gram LM (data augmentation:Speed perturbation and SpecAugment) None
3.19% 7.64% The CAPIO 2017 Conversational Speech Recognition System April 2018 TDNN + TDNN-LSTM + CNN-bLSTM + Dense TDNN-LSTM across two kinds of trees + N-gram LM + Neural LM rescore None
2.44% 8.29% Improved Vocal Tract Length Perturbation for a State-of-the-Art End-to-End Speech Recognition System September 2019, Interspeech encoder-attention-decoder + Transformer LM None
3.80% 8.76% Semi-Orthogonal Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for Deep Neural Networks Interspeech, Sept 2018 17-layer TDNN-F + iVectors kaldi-asr/kaldi
2.8% 9.3% RWTH ASR Systems for LibriSpeech: Hybrid vs Attention September 2019, Interspeech encoder-attention-decoder + BPE + Transformer LM (no data augmentation) rwth-i6/returnn
3.26% 10.47% Fully Convolutional Speech Recognition December 2018 End-to-end CNN on the waveform + conv LM None
3.82% 12.76% Improved training of end-to-end attention models for speech recognition Interspeech, Sept 2018 encoder-attention-decoder end-to-end model rwth-i6/returnn
4.28% Purely sequence-trained neural networks for ASR based on lattice-free MMI September 2016 HMM-TDNN trained with MMI + data augmentation (speed) + iVectors + 3 regularizations kaldi-asr/kaldi
4.83% A time delay neural network architecture for efficient modeling of long temporal contexts 2015 HMM-TDNN + iVectors kaldi-asr/kaldi
5.15% 12.73% Deep Speech 2: End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin December 2015 9-layer model w/ 2 layers of 2D-invariant convolution & 7 recurrent layers, w/ 100M parameters trained on 11940h PaddlePaddle/DeepSpeech
5.51% 13.97% LibriSpeech: an ASR Corpus Based on Public Domain Audio Books 2015 HMM-DNN + pNorm* kaldi-asr/kaldi
4.8% 14.5% Letter-Based Speech Recognition with Gated ConvNets December 2017 (Gated) ConvNet for AM going to letters + 4-gram LM None
8.01% 22.49% same, Kaldi 2015 HMM-(SAT)GMM kaldi-asr/kaldi
12.51% Audio Augmentation for Speech Recognition 2015 TDNN + pNorm + speed up/down speech kaldi-asr/kaldi


  • WER: word error rate

  • PER: phone error rate

  • LM: language model

  • HMM: hidden markov model

  • GMM: Gaussian mixture model

  • DNN: deep neural network

  • CNN: convolutional neural network

  • DBN: deep belief network (RBM-based DNN)

  • TDNN-F: a factored form of time delay neural networks (TDNN)

  • RNN: recurrent neural network

  • LSTM: long short-term memory

  • CTC: connectionist temporal classification

  • MMI: maximum mutual information (MMI),

  • MPE: minimum phone error

  • sMBR: state-level minimum Bayes risk

  • SAT: speaker adaptive training

  • MLLR: maximum likelihood linear regression

  • LDA: (in this context) linear discriminant analysis

  • MFCC: Mel frequency cepstral coefficients

  • FB/FBANKS/MFSC: Mel frequency spectral coefficients

  • IFCC: Instantaneous frequency cosine coefficients (https://github.com/siplabiith/IFCC-Feature-Extraction)

  • VGG: very deep convolutional neural networks from Visual Graphics Group, VGG is an architecture of 2 {3x3 convolutions} followed by 1 pooling, repeated